Tile Blending / Edge Smoothing with Unity
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a TileMap in Unity using a custom mesh, define terrain types and blend terrains textures (edge smoothing).
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a TileMap in Unity using a custom mesh, define terrain types and blend terrains textures (edge smoothing).
As you know I’m a dev not an illustrator and it’s hard for me to draw images for my game. I love doing it and I choose a simple style for this reason but when I can, I try to reduce the work load using code. This is an example of exactly that.
Assis devant son écran d'ordinateur, Elijah semblait agacé par un infini défilement d’erreurs. Pendant plus de cinq heures, il avait essayé de fixer un bug et l'état de ses cheveux noirs et gras reflétait son humeur.
If the writers of a show become a Person of Interest, it’s not supposed to be because it’s Breaking Bad.
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